Batu Feringgi Beach

Pulau Sipadan Island, Sabah Malaysia

 Map showing  dive resorts in the Eastern part
of Sabah

Sipadan island is located off the town of Semporna on the East Coast of Sabah. No lodging is allowed at this island since 2005 as the Malaysian Government and Sabah Tourism Board want to protect and maintain a balanced marine and eco-system on Sipadan island. Pulau Sipadan is an oceanic island that perched on the pinnacle of a steep underwater limestone mountain that rises vertically from an abyss of 600 meters. It is fringed with a beautiful white sand beach and has the largest variety of fascinating soft corals structures in the world.

Lacy Scorpion found at Sipadan
Lacy Scorpion found at Sipadan
Dragonfish at Sipadan
Dragon Fish at Sipadan

With very clear visibility of more than 100 feet around the Sipadan Island water, it is easy to see giant turtles that swim and frolic freely here, and sometimes you even have the chance for a close encounter with lobster, coral fishes, barracudas as well as small sharks here.

Pulau Sipadan Island also has wonderful sandy beaches with a densely wooded central core that is perfect for sunning, swimming and enjoying spectacular sunsets. Besides that, it is a stop-over point for the Nicobar pigeon which flies from China during winter as well as a bird sanctuary where you can observe many frigates, sea eagles, terns and sea gulls that glide across the clear skies. Sipadan Island is indeed a perfect holiday heaven for visitors who are looking for amazing Borneo holidays getaway.

Experience Using Blog

A blog or also can be said as Web Log is a website that user create and drop down their personal experiences, opinions, and their observations.  After using blog for few months, we learn something new and interest from blogger. Below is the experiences for each of us about using blog.

So Bee Seong:

This is the second time for me to get touch with blog. Here, I would like to share my experiences about using blog in these days.I find out that blogging is quite interested as our daily activity. First, blog is easy to access. Once we success to sign up a blog account, then we are consider as blogger. After that, we can start to design our profile with based on our preferences such as the theme, background, and colors. As I know, although there are many social networks in the internet world, but not all the social networks provide this design function for their users.
Second, blog is a best tool for user to drop down their daily life like how diary do. The advancement of information technology caused people holding their online gadgets most of the time instead of holding their pen especially teenagers nowadays. In our blog, we recommend the beaches in Malaysia, so we consider it as infomation sharing. Blog able to help us share the information to wide audience or blog viewers. Therefore, for other blogger who is interest with the contents in our blog, they can simply take a look without any barrier since we didn't limit the privacy setting for any viewers.
Third, with using blog, we can add on some entertainment tools such as music box and video. It can make our blog looks more attractive and interesting. We can share the videos we want from Youtube or upload the pictures as our post. When readers read through our posting, they not only can imagine the places from the words but still can get more information from the pictures and videos provided. As a result, the reader will not feel bore when they can read and watch.
However, I also realize that blog has its drawback. We should know that, not all of the internet users are interest with blog. Social networks are spread over the world, such as Facebook, MySpace,Twitter, and Google +. Blog users might think that it's easy to create a blog, but then they find that it's hard for them to spell out what they think into their blog. Therefore, these users will switch to another kind of social network. Besides, people also think that blog is not the way for them to get more friends until they never plan to sign up an account for blog. Hence, no matter how interest we create our blog, people will never realize the exist of our blog.

Khor Miau Ling:

Through this assignment, i have create my first ever blogspot. I feel that, it is very easy and simple to create and manage the blog. We share our experience and feeling through the blog. Undeniable,  write a blog is a very effective way for us to share out some point of view, experience and even release our stress. We can share our happiness, talk our grief and vent out our dissatisfied. However, we need to make sure that we do  not reveal too much personal things  in order to avoid opportunities of crime.

Yap Pooi Fun:

First of all, I would like to share some of my experience based on using about the blog. Actually this is my second time in using the blog. By the way after using the blog, I discover that the quick and easy way a blog can be updated is a great advantage to bloggers especially to the personal ones who want to be able to keep as a daily log of events. A blog is a web publishing tool that allows us to quickly and easily self-publish text, artwork, links to other blogs or web sites and a whole array of other content. Therefore, after using the blog, we can express our personal feeling and opinion that happen surround us daily by simply typing in some text and letting the whole world be able to read what is going on in our head. 
Beside that, blog can be easy updated. That means we able to post new information quickly through blog. Just like the information that we post in this blog, we suggest some of the Malaysia's island that we think is a nice place to travel. Therefore, blog enable us to easy updated when we want to post a new travel place to other. As a result, we can always updated our blog account without having trouble.
In addition, blog enable us to share the knowledge with other people. This is because by using blog we have freedom of speech. We can share our past experience, knowledge and thinking in some aspect. Blog is worldwide and everyone can access it freely and easily. Therefore, the knowledge that we share can be read by everyone. 
However, although blog provide many benefit to people, but it also have some disadvantages as well. People can steal our personal privacy through blog and abuse this information. It become harmful in our life. Therefore, we must wisely and carefully when use the blog to avoid such criminal thing.  

Lee Xin Yi :

This is my first experience to get touch with blog. First of all, I would like to share my experience of using the blog via this assignment. After using the blog, I discover that blog is a quite interesting tool to share personal experience and very easy to manage it. We can obtain personal experiences from blogs by visualizing an event as three kinds of pictures, action, object, and place. We can judge whether a blog text contains personal experiences or not by watching output pictures. Some of the participants said that it was difficult to judge the contents of pictures, when several objects were drawn in a picture. We will improve the method to acquire pictures, and will replace such pictures to new ones representing extracted keywords more simply and intuitively.

In addition, we can get the three major benefits by using the blog which is satisfied readers, lesser effort required and easier content distribution. Since we’re able to easily publish all articles for our different blogs, we’ll be able to satisfy readers’ needs for more posts coming from us. We can even entice them look forward to our upcoming articles when we make it a habit to schedule the publishing of our posts. In a sense, we make it possible to establish our own fan base for our blog. With the WordPress Manager doing all of the necessary posting and publishing work for us, we can just sit back and focus on creating content. We need to check from time to time but overall we won’t have to spend too much energy in getting posts published anymore.Through the blog, it makes it easier for our content to go out to people who subscribed to it. It becomes an indirect marketing method since we’ll be able to reach out to potential readers through others who receives our content through feeds.

Through this blog, we introduce the beaches in Malaysia to local or foreign tourists.There are many nice scenery beaches in Malaysia. It is very suitable for tourists to travel and spend their holidays at there.Tourists can obtain more information about the places they want travel through our blog. Therefore, blog enables us to post the new travel places and share our experiences to others. For me, blog is a best and efficient tool for us to share out our experiences and knowledge to others.

Heah Seok See:

This is my first time to use a blog. My group members and me have created a blog for assignment purpose. For me, I feel that blog is difficult to use. I don’t know how to post a new post in the blog and need my group members to explain to me how a blog function. After using the blog in a couple of weeks, I realize that the blog is very fun to use and interesting. We create the blog with the purpose to introduce the islands which are famous in Malaysia either for local or foreign tourists. We share the famous islands in Malaysia such as Redang Island to let people know the beach in Malaysia is amazing and can compete with beaches in other country.

Besides that, blog is a tool that can be used to share our experience, knowledge and feelings. After I manage to use the blog, I have registered and created my own blog in order to share my feeling through blog. I can simply write out what has happened in my daily life and share it with my blog followers. If I encounter with a problem that cannot be solved, I can express my feeling through my blog. My blog followers will comment on my post and give me some advises and suggestions.  

Although blog bring convenience to us, there are opportunities to bring along the crimes too. We must aware of the privacy problems when using a blog.

Low Saw Yan :

Actually this is my first time to create a blog. I felt extremely excited to create a blog and very lucky that I have the chance to do it. Before I create a blog, I think that this is a difficult task for me, I will never have the ability to do it. But, after I try to do it, I realized that it is not too difficult for me and I can handle it. By using a blog, I had learned a lot of things and knowledge. There are I learn how to create a blog by myself, I can make friends online, share knowledge and experience with other peoples. In addition, I also can release my feeling in the blog. 

In conclusion, create a blog totally a good experience for me and I really very enjoy it.    

Perhentian Islands, Malaysia

Sceneries of Redang Island, Malaysia

Pangkor Laut, Malaysia

Batu Ferringhi Beach

Batu Ferringhi is a popular destination in Pulau Pinang, a resort strip stretching along the northern coast of the island, with plenty of international hotels, extensive dining facilities and fun night shopping!

If there's one place in Penang that has its generous share of foreign visitors, it would have to be Batu Ferringhi. Aside from Georgetown, Batu Ferringhi is arguably the second most visited destination on Penang Island. 

It's difficult to put a finger on what it is exactly that draws repeat visitors to Batu Ferringhi each year. Like Georgetown, Batu Ferringhi is a great place for visitors to enjoy the good food and great shopping. But Batu Ferringhi also has some of the nicest beaches on Penang Island. The long stretch of beach on the northern flank of Penang Island, of which Batu Ferringh beach is part of, is combination of wide golden-sand beaches and picturesque deep blue-green coves hedged by large granite boulders that seem to have tumbled from the hilly interiors of the island, right into the sea. 

Batu Ferringhi has all the conveniences a visitor would want for an easy, hassle-free holiday. All along the Batu Ferringhi road, which runs parallel to the beach just a few metres away, you can find a great variety of shops including restaurants, cafes, convenience stores, mobile phone shops and souvenir shops. The combination of great location, ease of access, high number of accommodation choices and ample facilities and conveniences makes Batu Ferringhi a sure-fire choice for an easy holiday destination.

One unique feature of Batu Ferringhi is the exciting sidewalk bazaar that takes place every day from around 6pm until past midnight. This night bazaar is a busy and enjoyable shopping experience for visitors, and plenty of haggling can be heard along the stretch of individual stalls. Traders and buyers negotiating in good humour for the best price for the variety of items on sale – from imitation designer t-shirts to silver jewellery, colourful plastic buoys to fragile exotic curios. 

Pangkor Island

Pangkor Island is a small island on the North West Coast of Malaysia in the Straits of Malacca. Forty minutes by speedboat from Lumut, Pangkor Island welcomes us with its serene golden beaches, crystalline blue water, and cool refreshing breezes.
        Teluk Nipah and Pasir Bogak is the two well known beaches at Pangkor Island. Some water activities such as banana boats, kayaks and Jet Ski’s are available at here. Also it's possible to rent a boat to go around the island and do some snorkeling at Giam Island in front of Teluk Nipah.

View of Teluk Nipah, Its Paradise

Canoes can be rented from operators Nipah Bay and Pasir Bogak

~~Sunset at Pasir Bogak~~

          Fu Lin Kong is the most popular Chinese temple in Pangkor Island. It has various Buddhist statues inside the temple. However, this doesn’t mean that Chinese temple is only favorite by Chinese. Moreover, it attracts many tourists which include foreign and local visitor with differential racial.

Fu Lin Kong 福臨宫

Fu Lin Kong exquisite environment to take photo

Mini Great Wall of China at Fu Lin Kong

You also can make a wish at here and it will be come true. Your trip to Pangkor is not completed without visit to Fu Lin Kong…

Tioman Island

Tioman Island is located in the South China Sea which is the largest island on the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Tioman Island is famous for its white-sand beaches and crystal clear sea water. The island attracts many fishing fans, scuba diver, jungle trekkers to visit over there.

Tioman Island is an ideal holiday destination. Visitors can relax and enjoy the beautiful sunset during evening. Besides that, there are no nightclubs so you can relax and enjoy the natural life.

For those who are seeking for cheap beach living can go Tioman Island because Tioman Island provides a lot of budget accommodations and attractions. The comfortable and cheaper accommodations can be found around Tekek, Air Batang, Salang, Juara and else.

Some resorts are closed from December to January due to the monsoon season between November and March every year. Visitors are suggested to visit Tioman Island between April and October.

Visitors can go Tioman Island by flight or get the boat service from Mersing in Johor which will take around one and a half hours.

Langkawi Island

Langkawi Island is an archipelago which form by more than 100 islands. It is situated in the north western coast of Penisular Malaysia. The giant brown eagle monument had become one of the landmark in Langkawi Island. Beside the attractive water activities like other islands, Langkawi is unique with legendsand myths.The most popular legend was about Mahsuri who is said to have laid a curse on this island for seven generations. However, this curse had become the past. Futhermore, Langkawi also well known with its Langkawi Sky Bridge. Visitors have to take cable car up to the peak of Gunung Mat Chinchang.

Langkawi is a duty-free zone, where visitors can but the imported goods with a cheaper price such as perfume, cigar, confectionery, wine and other. 

The best time to visit Langkawi Island is between April till August when there is a balance of sunshine and light rainfall over the islands. However, visitors still can enjoy travel to the island during anytime of the year. 

Perhentian Island

Perhentian Islands is another island which situated at Terengganu, which near to the south of Thailand border. There are two main islands in Perhentian Islands, it is "Perhentian Besar" and "Perhentian Kecil. Each islands has their own attract the visitors with different way. Perhentian Kecil attract the visitors with its cheaper accomodation while Perhentian Besar tend to attract families and those who wish to avoid the backpacker party, the price is more expensive. 
Same as the other island, Perhentian Island also available with underwater activiteis such as snorkeling and scuba diving. Besides, tourists also can enjoy another activities at there like jungle trekking, camping, fishing and canoeing. The white coral sand beaches and turquoise blue sea make a pleasant view arround the island. Not only this, the island also famous with sea turtle nesting population. 

The most suitable time to visit Pulau Perhentian is from March to October due to the monsoon season. Visitors can reach near to the island there with various kind of transport such as land transport or flight.
After reach to the jetty,visitors have to take boat to reach Perhentian Island.   

Redang Island

Pulau Redang is located at Kuala Terengganu and it is the largest among all the islands in Terenggganu. There are 9 islands inside Pulau Redang which included Lima Island, Paku Besar Island, Paku Kecil Island, Kerengga Besar Island, Kerengga Kecil Island, Ekor Tebu Island, Ling Island, Pinang Island and Redang Island.

There are various kind of activities available at the island such as scuba diving, underwater photography, snorkeling, water sports. Besides, dry activities included beach volleyball and trekking. Tourists can explore more at there to enjoy their trip.

Pulau Redang also become an important place for sea turtles. Koperasi Setiajaya Pulau Redang was set up by Terengganu state government to develop and run the socio-economis programmes which help to improve the livelihood of the islands without harm the natural resources there.

Tourists can chose to reach Pulau Redang with land transport or flight. Various type of accommodation can be found such as hotels, chalets, and resorts. However, Redang is only can be visit in between late February and end of October each year. The resorts are closed from November till late February due to the northeast monsoon season which could brings heavy rainfall and rough seas.


Malaysia is one of the country which famous with islands among Asian countries. These islands located at each state in Malaysia and have their own beaches. Malaysian like to travel to the islands during holiday while foreign tourists visit the islands because of the weather there, especially those who come from western countries. There are few islands always become the hot spots among tourists no matter local or foreign. For example, Redang Island, Perhentian Island, Langkawi Island, Pangkor Island and so on. Each islands have their own attractive places for tourist. The islands will be introduce one by one at the following post.