Pulau Sipadan Island, Sabah Malaysia

 Map showing  dive resorts in the Eastern part
of Sabah

Sipadan island is located off the town of Semporna on the East Coast of Sabah. No lodging is allowed at this island since 2005 as the Malaysian Government and Sabah Tourism Board want to protect and maintain a balanced marine and eco-system on Sipadan island. Pulau Sipadan is an oceanic island that perched on the pinnacle of a steep underwater limestone mountain that rises vertically from an abyss of 600 meters. It is fringed with a beautiful white sand beach and has the largest variety of fascinating soft corals structures in the world.

Lacy Scorpion found at Sipadan
Lacy Scorpion found at Sipadan
Dragonfish at Sipadan
Dragon Fish at Sipadan

With very clear visibility of more than 100 feet around the Sipadan Island water, it is easy to see giant turtles that swim and frolic freely here, and sometimes you even have the chance for a close encounter with lobster, coral fishes, barracudas as well as small sharks here.

Pulau Sipadan Island also has wonderful sandy beaches with a densely wooded central core that is perfect for sunning, swimming and enjoying spectacular sunsets. Besides that, it is a stop-over point for the Nicobar pigeon which flies from China during winter as well as a bird sanctuary where you can observe many frigates, sea eagles, terns and sea gulls that glide across the clear skies. Sipadan Island is indeed a perfect holiday heaven for visitors who are looking for amazing Borneo holidays getaway.

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