Pangkor Island

Pangkor Island is a small island on the North West Coast of Malaysia in the Straits of Malacca. Forty minutes by speedboat from Lumut, Pangkor Island welcomes us with its serene golden beaches, crystalline blue water, and cool refreshing breezes.
        Teluk Nipah and Pasir Bogak is the two well known beaches at Pangkor Island. Some water activities such as banana boats, kayaks and Jet Ski’s are available at here. Also it's possible to rent a boat to go around the island and do some snorkeling at Giam Island in front of Teluk Nipah.

View of Teluk Nipah, Its Paradise

Canoes can be rented from operators Nipah Bay and Pasir Bogak

~~Sunset at Pasir Bogak~~

          Fu Lin Kong is the most popular Chinese temple in Pangkor Island. It has various Buddhist statues inside the temple. However, this doesn’t mean that Chinese temple is only favorite by Chinese. Moreover, it attracts many tourists which include foreign and local visitor with differential racial.

Fu Lin Kong 福臨宫

Fu Lin Kong exquisite environment to take photo

Mini Great Wall of China at Fu Lin Kong

You also can make a wish at here and it will be come true. Your trip to Pangkor is not completed without visit to Fu Lin Kong…

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